Press Kit

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Media Contact

Hillary Fish
Director of Marketing & Community Relations
(831) 755-4111

Media Policy

Visiting and Filming at Natividad
Natividad strives to keep the public informed of its activities and to cooperate with the news media, however, protecting a patient’s privacy and maintaining confidentiality of health care information are of paramount importance.

Members of the media must arrange all interviews and photo shoots in advance through AMF Media Group and Natividad Administration. Any request to photograph, videotape or interview a patient requires prior written authorization from the patient. To ensure confidentiality, privacy and appropriate sensitivity to patients and families, members of the media must always be accompanied by AMF Media Group or an Administration designee while on campus.

Videotaping and interviewing without Administration’s involvement is permitted outside of the hospital building, however, members of the media will be asked to leave the premises if found to be interfering with patient care or routine hospital business.

Patient Confidentiality and HIPAA Regulations
HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) requires that anyone requesting the condition of a patient to have the individual’s full first and last name. No information will be given out if a request does not include the patient’s name. The patient must have also agreed to their information being released. At that point, Natividad will use only the following general terms. Any disclosure of more detailed information about a patient requires prior written authorization from the patient.

  • Undetermined – Patient is awaiting physician assessment.
  • Good – Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious and comfortable. Indicators are excellent.
  • Fair -Vital signs are stable and within normal limits. Patient is conscious, but may be uncomfortable. Indicators are favorable.
  • Serious – Vital signs may be unstable and not within normal limits. Patient is acutely ill. Indicators are questionable.
  • Critical – Vital signs are unstable and not within normal limits. Patient may be unconscious. Indicators are unfavorable.