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Ashwin Rao, MD

Interventional Radiology / Diagnostic Radiology


Austin H. Vu, DO

Psychiatry • Telepsychiatry


Barron Mark F. Palmer, MD

Colon and Rectal Surgery • General Surgery


Beverly A. Shoemaker, NNP-BC

Neonatal Nurse Practitioner


Bilegsaikhan Balkhaa, MD

Hospitalist • Internal Medicine


Blair L. Cushing, DO

Family Medicine • Hospitalist


Find a Natividad Doctor

Our Find a Doctor listing includes all doctors who see patients at Natividad or through the Monterey County Health Department. Please note that some doctors do not work primarily at Natividad; see the address listed with each doctor for more information.

Please be aware that although you may schedule an appointment with a specific physician at Natividad, you may be seen by the doctor who is on duty at the time of your appointment.

County Health Clinics
Doctors listed here are those on staff at Natividad or those that have priviledges to this hopsital. You may have seen a physician at a County Health Clinic (run by the Monterey County Health Department) that is located on the Natividad campus, who are not affiliated with Natividad and not listed in this database. Please see our County Health Clinics page for more information.

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Need Help Finding a Doctor?

Call (831) 755-4111, Monday through Friday,
7:00 am to 7:00 pm, to speak to a physician referral specialist.

Keep connected. Stay safe; stay healthy

We’re offering phone and video telehealth visits with providers. Call us to schedule an appointment.
D’Arrigo Family Specialty Services (831) 755-4156
Natividad Medical Group (831) 759-0674
Cardiology Clinic (831) 796-1630