Shared Governance
Shared Governance Model
- NMC Shared Governance Model provides a voice for your nursing practice.
- The Professional Practice Council at the center consists of the Chairpersons from each Unit Based Nursing Council.
- Nurse driven councils surround and support the Professional Practice Council.
- The outer ring includes the NMC Nurse Executive Council with the role of supporting all of shared governance and removing barriers to advancing nursing practice.
Shared decision making encourages control over nursing practice by placing autonomy, responsibility, and accountability with the clinical nurse.
Professional Practice Council (PPC)

The process of helping patients, families and nurses in becoming stronger and more confident in gaining control over their own decisions by promoting self awareness, assertiveness and confidence in their own capacities
Quality and Safety
Enhancing patient and Family’s impression of quality and safety measures embedded throughout the patient care experience
Entails courtesy honesty, responsabilities and the care values of nursing excellence with a focus on patient centered care
The protection, promotion, and optimization of a patients’s health and abilities. The Nurse Advocate provides information and supports the patient’s decisions objectively
The careful use of current best research, clinical expertise and patient preferences to guide health care and improve patient outcomes.
Nurses at Natividad understand the importance of the patient, family, and community being the main focus of our nursing practice and each of these five core beliefs supports our efforts to achieve the best outcomes for them. Through patient, families and nursing empowerment, a commitment to patient safety, the use of evidence-based practice, patient advocacy and professionalism, we will strive to optimize our scope of practice and excellent patient, family and community care.
Education & Research Council (ERC)
The primary responsibilities of the Education & Research Council are:
- Education and initiation of hospital-wide initiatives with a focus on achieving high standards of patient care delievery. Collaborates with other councils and committees to reach optimal outcomes.
- Review of current literature to assure our practice meets the standards of care. Make recommendations to the PPC on practice changes.
- Review requested academic projects to determin how the study enhances nursing practice at NMC. Once reviewed, recomnendations are referrred to the Nurse Executice Council (NEC) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
Unit Based Councils
Unit Based Councils (UBC) are responsible to coordinate, communicate, facilitate and integrate the work of the patient care team.
Their major responsibilities include:
- Promoting excellence in clinical quality through:
- Evaluation of patient outcomes through the review of unit-based scorecards.
- Coordinating and directing performance improvement (PI) activities/projects.
- Identifying standards of care.
- Promoting evidence-based nursing practic.
- Identification & resolution of patient care issues.
Promoting professional practice.
Nurse Executive Council
The Nurse Executive Council’s (NEC) role is to support all of shared governance and remove barriers to advancing nursing practice.
Clinical Nurse Specialist Council
Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) have advanced clinical expertise in a particular specialty (e.g. Critical Care, Intermediate Care, Pediatrics, etc.) providing expert patient care or facilitating clinical research to improve patient outcomes. In addition to clinical practice or research, responsibilities may include education and consultation. They provide:
- Leadership to nurses in hospital, ambulatory or home care settings related to nursing practice.
- Support the professional growth and development of the members of the PPC and nursing staff at Natividad.
- Strive to improve the health of patients and their families through interdisciplinary participation in clinical, educational, research and administrative activities using evidence- based practice.
- Provide the scientific foundation for nursing practice, dedicated to the support of nursing research and evidence based practice at Natividad.