Is It Right For Me?
Is weight loss surgery right for every patient? Absolutely not. Your medical conditions might make surgery unsafe. Since your safety is always our main concern, we may have to tell you that we cannot offer you surgery.
See our screening questions to determine if you are a candidate for surgery >
Body Mass Index Calculator
Established by the Federal Government as a standard to determine obesity, Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. A Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 25 is ideal. People with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 are overweight and a BMI greater than 30 indicates obesity. Being overweight increases the chances of serious health risks like heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. But Body Mass Index is not a foolproof measurement. Though muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue, BMI calculation doesn’t recognize the difference between muscle and fat — an aggravating footnote for people who spend a lot of time at the gym. For those who lead more sedentary lives however, BMI can be a useful first indicator of general fitness.
Use our BMI calculator to find out what your body mass index is. Simply put in your height and weight, and let our BMI calculator do the math for you.
BMI is Equal to or Less Than 18.5 (Underweight)
A lean BMI can indicate that your weight may be too low. You should consult your physician to determine if you should gain weight, as low body mass can decrease your body’s immune system, which could lead to illness such as disappearance of periods (women), bone loss, malnutrition and other conditions. The lower your BMI, the greater these risks become.
BMI is Between 18.5 and 24.9 (Normal Weight)
People whose BMI is within 18.5 to 24.9 possess the ideal amount of body weight, associated with living longest, the lowest incidence of serious illness, as well as being perceived as more physically attractive than people with BMI in higher or lower ranges.
BMI is Between 25 and 29.9 (Overweight)
People falling in this BMI range are considered overweight and would benefit from finding healthy ways to lower their weight, such as diet and exercise. Individuals who fall in this range are at increased risk for a variety of illnesses.
BMI is Between 30 and 34.99 (Obese)
Individuals with a BMI of 30-34.99 are in a physically unhealthy condition, which puts them at risk for serious illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gallbladder disease, and some cancers. This holds especially true if you have a larger than recommended waist size. These people would benefit greatly by modifying their lifestyle. Ideally, see your doctor and consider reducing your weight by 5-10 percent. Such weight reduction will result in considerable health improvements.
BMI is Between 35 and 39.99 (Obese)
If you have a BMI of 35-39.99 your risk of weight-related health problems and even death, is severe. See your doctor and reduce your weight to a lower BMI.
BMI is Over 40 (Morbidly Obese)
With a BMI of 40+ you have an extremely high risk of weight-related disease and premature death. Indeed, you may have already been suffering from a weight-related condition. For the sake of your health, it is very important to see your doctor and get specialists help for your condition.
Emotional Readiness
The lifestyle changes that need to accompany weight loss surgery are pretty extreme. We don’t have any doubt that your body will heal from the surgery, but what about your mental health? We can’t afford to leave anything to chance. Every patient is evaluated before surgery by a trained psychologist to help determine emotional readiness for these lifestyle changes. Do you have people in your life who are supportive of your efforts? Will you be able to cope with the physical changes to your body? Are you able to establish a network of supportive individuals and come to one of our support groups?